Sunday, August 17, 2014


So I just want to do a quick blog on this awesome site I have been making money on to use for my Christmas presents this year. This page is very nice you can even earn points by just listening to music or watching video's!  Click on the link below in blue :)  Its called InstaGC  its easy to use, message me if you have any questions!


Monday, February 28, 2011

Almost here

Spring is just around the corner I can just about smell it! Last night was just crazy, scary. The wind/ almost tornado had me grabbing Cole and running for the bathroom. I stood there terrified thinking, what am i going to do now. What is going to happen? What am I going to do if a tornado does hit? It was verrrry Scary for sure!

I made a huge pot of chunky chili last night so we had the left overs for lunch. Then after lunch, found out our kitchen sink was clogged...that was a nasty mess to clean up, but we *Jonny and I* got it all cleaned up and unclogged! We was quiet the team.  Now I'm trying to finish up laundry. It just piles up so fast, like it creeps up on you without you know it!

I go tomorrow to talk to the lawyer, I just pray that she is not expensive and that this is not as drawn out as i'm setting myself up for! I would rather over freak out than be whacked with a huuuge surprise or disappointment. Anywho just wanted to do a quick update while Cole was napping!  Back to the laundry I go! Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

the snow monster!

He/She is coming and we are ready for him/her!!   We have been ever so luck, that Cole has not been sick YET this winter!! Thank god! This time last year we was having to give him all kinds of kiddo medicine to get him feeling good enough to breathe better! We have been very blessed this winter, that all 3 of us has been very healthy!

Big Steps to being a big boy now. Toddler bed all set up, check. Little Big boy potty, check.  Where is the time going?  He is getting too big too fast!  My baby is now a lil boy!!  awwww he is now wearing 12-18mnth clothes, it just depends on the designer. he loves his chocky milk & Mickey Mouse Club House with the *DOOOOOG Dog * song!  :)  Ohh and he likes staring at the ceiling fan going *ohhhhhh* and twirling til he falls....He is now going throu the pinching was funny once...but hurts!  I wish the nightmare/scare at 3am would stop ...I'm seriously loosing 2-3 hours of sleep each night being pinched or kicked in my ribs...but you know what...I would not trade it for ANYTHING!  I love my boobutt so much!  :) Him and Jonny are my life now and I would not exist without them!

ahhh the joys of Toddler hood! :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Almost Christmas

I can not believe it's almost Christmas. We finally have gotten all our Christmas shopping done. We thought we was done before but forgot a few little things. I ordered 60 photo christmas cards last night from See Here by Fuji place website...b/c it was only 5.25 with overnight shipping!! Super awesome! They was so cute! I did 10 of 6 different sets so there will be many different ones sent out.

Cole is getting so big too you guys! His 1st Birthday party was just amazing! Thank you everyone who showed up and who sent him presents! I just pray that he does not get that many toys for Christmas. If he does, Mommie will be going through them all over again! He is almost in 18 month clothes. We had to buy him some new socks last night also. is so very true, they grow up before you know it! I just can't wait for divorce to be done and over, so Jon & I Can get married. So we can continue on with our family! I want at least 2 more.... but Jonny says only 1 more... We will see! Maybe we will get twins! :) As you can tell I'm starting to get baby fever again...Big & bad time! I loved being pregnant, knowing that you have a miracle right there in your little belly. It's just very over joyful.

Anywho...since it is about Christmas...where is the snow!??? They said it is suppose to be snowing all day today, and yet, nothing yet. Just nasty ole' rain! Well I guess I will hopp off here and get busy on my day.

oh and the picture at the top is from Aunt Sherry's on Thanksgiving!  The next on top right is from before Halloween. This last one is a collage of pictures my dad *step* is doing a pretty awesome job at becoming a photographer!  :)  And I will leave you with this adorable picture that I edited!  So cute!  Love you guys!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Can it really be Halloween already?! Why, yes it can & is! So Friday, I took Cole downtown to our little Halloween around downtown! It was so much fun....the downside....Cole fell asleep about half a block into the whole thing!! Poor baby even slept through Shrek & kids yelling...Mommmmmmie its SHREK!!!!!!!

He was the cutest sleeping Dinosaur EVER! But I did happen to catch some pictures before we left home! You will have to check them out on facebook. We are ready to go Sunday with him! He is going to just love it I know, if he would just stay awake long enough!
Tonight he is going to stay the night at my mom's house...I got the pack and play all cleaned out and ready for granny's! :) He will have a blast! I am so glad and happy to have my mom back here in Missouri! I'm just sitting here pondering....what is Jonny going to do while Cole is gone tonight?! Will we go out, watch TV, watch a movie, sleeeeeep!! WHO knows! It has been soooo long since we spent just us time together it seems like!
We went to box sale at Scholastic this morning...I got some awesome new reads...and some Christmas gifts even! Cole even got like 10 books! I LOVE the Box sales! Its my Christmas to myself almost because I loooove to read so much, since we had Cole I havnt had much time to myself to read. Before, I would read for hours on end while home alone. That time is no more! Ohhh well...I savor what ever word I do get to read though.
Well Til next time!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

too long to remember

It has been too long to remember the last time I posted on here! I went back reading some of my older post...when I first started this blog, after loosing my brother. It seemed so long ago, maybe months...but not 5 years! Wow, alot has changed in my life since I first started blogging. I got married, cheated on, seperated, moved back home to moberly area, fell in love again, and had a baby, filed bankruptcy from mistakes with my soon to be ex husband. oh and started my own business, forgot to mention that

~takes a death breath~

WoW!!! That is so much to go through with in such a sort amount of time! I have to say though, I love how my life has blossomed! I love all my mistakes I made in the past, because I knew what to stay away from in my present! My son, Cole is almost a year old now! It just does not seem possible!

I still miss my brother very much, and tears flood my eyes as I am finish typing this, but it does get easier. Or maybe I have just numbed myself of it. Either way I still think of Cory every day almost. Cole looks so much like Cory when he was a baby, I just think of how much Cory would have loved Cole...and how much he would enjoy spending time with him. makes my <3 smile a little....

Well...til next time!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Spa extravaganza

I'm getting very nervous for Thursday. We are having a huge Spa Extravaganza in Columbia, free for all who come. The only reason I am nervous is because our Regional Director from Dallas Texas is flying in. This is going to be huge. So if anyone at all reads this....COME....which I don't think anyone from this area even comes close to my blog. LOL ......It is going to be a huge support for me, and my business...My business is just going to boom with all the contacts I am going to get from this experience.

On a bad note...I am going to flunk out of school. I have not logged in over two weeks...what bad is my financial aid is going to be paying for it yet i am going to have to retake it again.....which is another problem because my financial aid is not going through either. I don't know what I'm going to do about that...I do not have over 5,000$ to pay for this stupid college in which I HATE!!! I am so ready for this semester to be over with so that I can transfer to Moberly area Community College....I'm so tired of this online crap...I just want to be able to get my degree and actually use it. I'm just so fed up with Ashford University. The people you have to call...or email them...they get so snippy...UGH!!! Grow up people I am on theere to get my degree not sit here and listen to you complain all day about how slow I am...I'm sorry i am not made of money to have money everyday to fax things over that YOU forgot to send to me in the first place when I enrolled....

On another note...We are still waiting on my mothers house to sell...It seems like it has been forever since i have seen them...My step sister Crystal will be home in August....I really hope she can come up and visit...have a family friend Tom...that is coming home next month on the 10th!